
In a surprising turn of events, a series of memos has exposed the history of the Colonial Survival Network (CSN). These internal communications, previously shielded from public view, provide a captivating narrative detailing the origins, challenges, and triumphs of the organization dedicated to ensuring the survival of the Galactica fleet.

TO: Commander Adama and Executive Officer Tigh, Battlestar Galactica (BSG-75)
FROM: Colonial Survival Training, Battlestar Galactica (BSG-75)
DATE: September 15, YR42

In the wake of the recent Cylon attacks, we have determined that a revised military survival training protocol is needed. This memo aims to address current issues and new recommendations to overcome them.

Critical Issues, in order of importance:

  1. The threat of Cylon attack. The Cylons are still our primary concern. Since the recent attack, we have lost countless lives. We must prepare both civilians and military personnel for potential future Cylon attacks. We expressed genuine concern since we have heard of the possibility of hidden Cylons among us.

  2. Lack of food and water. Since the catastrophic destruction of the Twelve Colonies, food resources are becoming scarce. We must find a way to extend the life of our supplies.

  3. Lack of medical supplies. The ongoing war has strained our medical supplies. At our current rate, our medical supplies will be depleted. We must post strict guidelines for use and explore alternative solutions.

  4. Adaptability to new environments. As the search for Earth continues, must prepare for the possibility of alternative colonization plans. Venturing into uncharted space may expose us to new and hostile environments.

  5. Possibility of encountering new lifeforms. As we continue to venture into uncharted space, we might encounter new lifeforms. This is a significant concern since we don’t have IFF.


  1. Combat survival training: Start conducting regular attack drills to prepare for hostile encounters. Additionally, it is important to educate civilians on self-defense and readiness for potential attacks of any kind.

  2. Food and water protocols: Implementing rationing will help extend the length of our current supplies for a bit of time. We must start foraging, recycling, and actively searching for new food and water sources. Consider designating an area into a garden for food production.

  3. Medical training: Post strict guidelines for medical supply usage. Provide more medical training to be able to provide more care for the wounded. We also need to allocate resources for research into alternative solutions to address supply shortages.

  4. Scouting training: Provide survival skills training including navigation, wildlife identification, and emergency shelter construction. Offer additional instructions for secure communication methods, including encrypted protocols.

  5. Lifeform protocols: Develop protocols for engaging with potential alien lifeforms. We must focus on peaceful communication, assessing intentions, and ensuring crew safety.

We would like your input and feedback on these recommendations to finalize our new military survival training protocol. We must prepare for the most uncertain future.

TO: President Roslin (Colonial One)
FROM: Colonial Survival Training, Battlestar Galactica (BSG-75)
SUBJECT: RE: Survival Plans
DATE: September 15, YR42

Executive Summary

The vast majority of the Galactica are war refugees, and every individual is more valuable than before. In the Galactica the difficulty of space travel and rough political environments can make an individual feel less important than others. This being the case, we need to question the methods in which we can utilize to empower the people of the Galactica.


  1. What is each person’s role in aiding this situation, what can they do during this conflict?
    • Since the population of the Galactica is limited, each individual should identify how they can aid others aboard the Galactica, if at all. The people should know that everyone has an important role, no matter how small the impact.
  2. What are the future goals of the Galactica going forward?
    • With the current situation, the mental health of the population aboard the Galactica will be worsening each day, with the stress of space flight and the grim future ahead. A strong goal and sense of direction will be necessary in keeping individuals’ hopes high, and motivating them to keep working hard to help out for the greater good.
  3. How can we identify the limitations of each individual aboard the Galactica?
    • If an individual is limited in knowledge or ability in one field doesn’t mean they lack helpful knowledge or ability in all other situations. We need to create a sense of pride and hope in the people so that they believe there is a brighter future ahead for us. Even if an individual is very young, old, or injured there are contributions they can make, even if it’s not the same contributions as others.
  4. Which of the individuals aboard the Galactica deserve the civilians’ trust?
    • The civilians need to know who to trust on the ship, who among the refugees and members of the military can they look to for aid, accurate information, or even advice? The decisions made by the military often have hidden motives that the citizens wouldn’t understand, which can lead to unnecessary resentment towards the military. The military will need to gain the trust of the people in order to have a peaceful environment aboard the Galactica.
  5. In this situation, how can we keep our people safe, and what can they do to keep themselves safe?
    • Our people might fight amongst themselves despite working together bringing more benefits to each other. Guiding people on safe practices and how to keep civil with others is important to inform the people of in our survival guide.


With a conflict between the refugees, the military, and the civilians, it is important to empower the people aboard the Galactica in order to survive. It is important to identify each person as more than just another mouth to feed, everyone should realize the role that they can play in these trying times.

TO: Commander Adama (Battlestar Galactica), and President Roslin (Colonial One)
FROM: Combat Survival Training (Battlestar Galactica)
SUBJECT: New Command Dynamics
DATE: October 11, YR42

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness is essential in both factions of the Galactica, especially when it comes to being prepared for situations such as medical emergencies or in the case of a fire. Emergencies will affect everyone aboard the ship, whether military or civilian. However, the military and civilians will respond differently to these situations and focus on different solutions unless we come together and decide what is best to do together. Both sides need to join together to ensure that protocols are kept and safety is ensured for everyone aboard the Galactica.

Emergency responses need every level of command to be aware of their role and other's roles in emergencies. Each person has a unique part to play in an emergency, for example in the case of a fire: leading others to where they need to go, helping with medical aid, putting out the fire and even just knowing where to evacuate even if you’re not aiding others. Every person needs to know their role and where to go in order to efficiently and effectively take care of the emergency.

In the end, Roslin, the president, should have the ultimate authority to make each decision. Roslin will be the one to decide on the protocols to take in each emergency and set them in place for everyone to follow. She is trusted by everyone on the Galactica and does not have ulterior motives that the leader of the military would have, as they are connected to the military. In emergencies, we need one person to trust and make quick decisions so that emergencies can be handled instead of arguing over a solution while the emergency decays the Galactica.

Survival Techniques

The military are trained to survive on their own and keep themselves alive in dangerous situations. However, the civilians aren’t similarly trained and thus lack the necessary knowledge and skills to survive on their own in most emergency situations. We need to teach civilians ways to be able to survive and keep themselves alive in emergencies. Those in higher command who already have such skills also need to learn as well, they need to learn to help others and guide them to survival as well as keep themselves alive.

The one who should lead the expedition to ensure survival preparedness should be Adama, the leader of the military. He knows well how to teach survival and how to guide others in survival situations. He is the expert in the area and should lead the charge in ensuring that every citizen has emergency survival skills, as well as higher-ups and military personnel learn how to guide and save civilian lives.

Communication Techniques

The forms and methods of communication need to be established aboard the ship in order to create healthy communication.Communication affects everyone as everyone needs to effectively communicate in order to ensure peace aboard the Galactica. The command and those in the higher ranks need to take responsibility and help establish the form of communication that will best suit the whole population of the ship and stick to the chosen form. In the end, Adama and Roslin need to agree on the forms and methods that will be used and Felix Gaeta will be in command ensuring that they are being upheld. With solid communication techniques, emergencies will also be better manageable and the time to take care of them can be decreased with improved communication.

TO: Commander Adama (Battlestar Galactica), and President Roslin (Colonial One) FROM: Colonial Survival Network (Battlestar Galactica) SUBJECT: [CSN] Feasibility Report DATE: December 4, YR42


Due to the critical matter of the high volume of emergencies in which those aboard the Galactica do not know how to handle them, we need a method to adequately train both civilians and the military to survive under any emergency circumstance. They need to know their role in an emergency and act accordingly immediately. Currently, there is a lack of training and access to knowledge for these circumstances. Our goal is to explore strategies for survival training to keep the population of the Galactica safe. The CSN aims to be the resource that sets the standard for acting in an emergency so that emergencies are dealt with quickly and effectively. Not dealing with emergencies immediately can lead to more emergencies and other bad situations.


There are many emergencies that happen aboard the galactica that we need to account for and develop a method of effectively and efficiently solving. We find that those aboard the galactica, after conducting research, are unprepared for any emergencies. This lack of preparedness highlights the need to equip the fleet with the essential tools for handling emergency scenarios, including comprehensive survival training. We want anyone aboard the Galactica to know what to do in any given emergency and know where the tools to accomplish that task are located. Getting to that point will require some work getting people to change their routines and habits during emergencies, but doing so is absolutely necessary to save lives. Our goal is to save as many lives as possible with the CSN and to do that this information needs to be accessible. Most people won’t know how to survive in any given situation, and we want to give them the power of knowing survival tactics.

It’s important to start now as the longer we wait to train the people aboard the galactica, the more we risk others finding themselves in survival situations that they don’t know how to get out of. We want information on how to survive to be able to be accessed by anyone anywhere in order to keep everyone safe even in the case of an unforeseen emergency. We expect those aboard the galactica to be able to read our guide and feel safer and more prepared for anything that may happen. We don’t expect the people to become experts overnight, but we aim to make survival knowledge more common among the people aboard the galactica. During an emergency everyone needs to do their part and help those around them and we aim to make this guide to help them know what to do in any given situation. Our goal is to make our guide within reach of everyone aboard the galactica to train and prepare them to survive any emergency situation.


The absence of readily available survival information contributes to the under-preparedness of the fleet. Quick access to this crucial knowledge is essential and is currently being addressed through data-gathering efforts. The deficiency in survival skills directly impacts individuals' ability to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions. The need for survival knowledge has become even more critical since the Cylon attack, underscoring the urgency of addressing this gap. The citizens will also need to know what to do in more common emergencies such as fires or in cases of being stranded on an unknown planet. In these situations, our survival manual would have been important to them surviving and being confident in their ability to survive.

Why is it so important for this information to be easily accessible?

This information needs to be accessible at any time by anyone aboard the ship in the case of an emergency. If everyone doesn’t do their part in an emergency it could cause the loss of lives or lead to more problems. In the case that someone forgets the next step to take or needs specific details or information, it could be a matter of life or death. Access to the CSN is thus imperative due to the importance of information needing to be handy and nearby. We want everyone aboard the Galactica to be confident in their ability to do their duty during an emergency by either remembering the steps to take or being able to quickly access it and take the proper steps.

What is the common knowledge, and what are things that will need to be taught?

We expect the population of the Galactica to be able to read the manual and follow simple instructions and survival protocols. We are not expecting any of the population to be survival experts, and we know people are at different stages in their knowledge of survival techniques. The CSN requires the reader to simply be able to assess their situation and find the right section of the manual that fulfills their needs in a timely manner. They will need to be taught basic survival skills necessary to accomplish any task in the CSN. This will require training and refresher training throughout our time aboard the ship as well. This training will also teach the people how to use the CSN and navigate through it to more efficiently deal with emergencies.

Why is it, now more than ever, so important to know the information provided?

As we continue our journey aboard the Galactica we are encountering more and more unprecedented situations that we couldn’t have predicted to happen. This is why a manual on the procedures of how to act in an emergency is so important so that we can increase the survivability of our citizens. Our citizens need the knowledge of what to do in the case of an emergency so that they can be of use to help others out and make sure that they survive as well. Every life aboard our ship is important and we need to safeguard that with the rising number of emergencies to consider each day. Protocols need to be set so that in the future, no one is left behind and no one is left without knowing how or if they will survive.

Conclusion In these trying times, it is extremely important for the individuals a part of the colonel fleet to be able to understand survival techniques. Ease of access and ease of use are not things that can be compromised when it comes to life and death. With life and death being something that many people never had to consider until now, the fact that humanity is practically knocking on death’s door can cause some friction for normal life. The CSN aims to democratize survival techniques as well as compact the information to fit any predicament while still being simple to use. We feel that the CSN’s survival guide manual is well-equipped to fill this void. Not only will it be easy to access, it also aims to be easy to read and available at any time. We will continue to provide this service to any individual among the fleet. No one should have to worry about not knowing what to do in an emergency.

As these memos weave together, they unveil a narrative of determination, adaptation, and the unwavering commitment of the CSN to ensure the survival of the Galactica fleet. The revelation of these internal communications provides a rare glimpse into the history of an organization shrouded in secrecy, shedding light on its evolution and the challenges faced in the pursuit of a safer and enduring colonial life.