Additional resources

We understand that cylons may be a bit of a political topic but are nonetheless a threat to humanity. Our network does not aim to spread any misinformation but we like to air on the side of caution when it comes to cylons. Here we have collected some resources we have gathered about the cylons. We hope that some of these resources will prove useful.


From what we have gathered the best way to deal with a cylon threat is to either deal with them head on or go along with them until you know that you can either contact help or overpower them.

From: Dr. Amorak

The Olympic Carrier

To: President Roslin

Colonial One

Date: September 16, YR42

Madam President: I would like to inform you of what, I have reason to believe, is a possible threat to the United Colonies of Kobol. As you may know, one “Aaron Doral” has been left for dead on the Ragnar Anchorage space station. After some digging I have come to believe that this was spurred on by the existence of “humanoid cylons” in which we have one proven example found on the Ragnar Anchorage itself. The reason that Aaron was believed to be a humanoid Cylon was due to DNA testing. It comes as no surprise to me that this discovery was made by Dr. Baltar.

Dr. Baltar is not the largest concern of the situation but instead I would like to point out how this decision and discovery was left up to the word of one man. Scientific discoveries can easily be faked and we do not have solid evidence of how we know if someone really is a Cylon hiding in human skin or if the test result was incorrect. I believe that this sector should be a high priority to discover a reason and logic behind all of this. I would be happy to research this further with Dr. Baltar. The actions I would like to take place are as follows:

  • Create a system for detecting Cylons on or off the ship. The idea would be to create a uniform system for all future investigations to follow
  • Be aware of the power that one person holds without any kind of procedures in place. Procedures and rules will allow for the population to feel safe.

In conclusion, I would like to see many steps put in place to deal with the real threat of humanoid Cylons. This is not something that should be taken lightly and is not something that every citizen of the Colonies should be worried about being accused of and ending up abandoned.

Thank you for your time,

Dr. Amorak