
To gain a better grasp of this manual, please familiarize yourself with the terms and concepts presented below. Should you encounter any survival-related situations, make sure to consult this glossary for reference. This guide is provided by the Colonial Survival Network (CSN) - A handbook for an enduring colonial life.

Filt-Rate Water Device

A specialized and innovative water filtration device manufactured by "Filt-Rate." This device is designed to effectively remove impurities, contaminants, and particles from the water ensuring water safety and quality.

Hydroscopic Rations (HSRs)

Specially designed rations that possess the unique capability to extract water from the surrounding air. These rations are cooked similarly to Meals Ready to Eat (MREs). This is particularly valuable in arid or water-scarce environments, providing sustenance for individuals operating in challenging settings.

Anti-Radiation Medication (ARM)

A specialized class of pharmaceuticals found in Colonial medkits, ARM is designed to help specific tissues (thyroid gland) block or resist the absorption of harmful radiation. While effective in reducing overall radioactivity absorption, these medications are known to commonly induce nausea as a side effect.

Polymeric Radio-asepsis Materials (PRMs)

PRMs are a type of specialized fabric engineered with advanced polymeric compounds, designed to provide effective protection against radioactive contamination. These materials are formulated to provide robust protection, acting as an impermeable barrier against the infiltration of radioactive particles and other substances.

Personal Radio Device (PRD)

Personal Radio Devices (PRD)’s are a handheld system for communication using radio waves.PRD’s will be used for communication between people aboard the galactica to improve efforts for quick and effective communication. They will help the population get information when needed in emergency situations and it is imperative that all people of the galactica keep their PRD on them at all times.

Personal Protection Blaster (PPB)

Personal Protection Blasters (PPB)’s are a small handheld blaster similar to a pistol.PPB’s are to ensure that each and every person about the ship is kept safe and to ensure that peace is kept aboard the galactica. Not everyone will receive a PPB, but those that do will need to undergo proper training and handling of the device.

Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology (SEXTANT)

The SEXTANT is the navigation technology used aboard the galactica, and works much like a satellite uses GPS. It uses X-ray technology to see millisecond pulsars, which are highly magnetized, rapidly rotating neutron stars, which result from the collapse and explosion of a star’s core. This new technology will help the galactica navigate through space easier and more efficiently than ever before. in new window