Code of Conduct

The Colonial Survival Network (CSN) is built on the value of Integrity First. Our commitment to integrity ensures the safety and security of our citizens. We recognize the importance of honesty, trustworthiness, and transparency in all of our actions. We also promote recognition and appreciation of others through continued trust. These are our defining values and our expectations for others to follow.

Integrity First

Integrity is what we hold above all else. Acting as an individual while wholly understanding what it means to be a team is vital in times of crisis. Being able to understand what is the right thing to do while weighing the pros and cons of those actions requires enough integrity for your decisions to represent the public trust.. All of this relies on your ability to do the right thing even when no one is asking for you to do so.


We must ensure that our members are upholdent to their commitments and responsibilities. Trustworthiness gives a sense of dependability and accountability that our citizens can rely on in any situation. Relying on others makes grave situations just that much easier.


With open and transparent communication, we must make sure that our community's best interest is in mind. There is no honor in half truths when lives are on the line. Worthwhile information should never be withheld even under the assumption that information on that topic may seem obvious or antecedent to one’s own reputation.


Honesty is truly an undervalued trait due to the nature of consequence for doing the wrong thing. At the Colonial Survival Network it is dire that everyone be honest with the people around them. Withholding information in times of crisis can truly be the difference between life and death. Lying can create a much worse crisis than starting even worse.

Recognition and Appreciation

Above being someone that others can trust, it is also important to be someone that trusts others. Trusting in others' judgment will lead to development of ideologies. Ideologies form our understanding of the world and can be a huge contributing factor in increased emergency preparedness.

Integrity, honesty, trustworthiness, recognition and appreciation, and transparency are the core values of the Colonial Survival Network. By upholding these values, we can create a safe, secure, and respectful community for all of our citizens. If there are any questions or violations please contact us at BSG-75 EXT 653.