
This handbook is best used to help our citizens better handle unprecedented emergencies and unexpected situations. To make effective use of the handbook, do as follows

  1. Identify your emergency or issue
  2. Take note of your surroundings
  3. Use the sidebar, search box or flowchart to identify the most applicable section
  4. Safely follow the instructions for best results.

This handbook is not intended to be an end all be all survival guide. Many of the topics covered in the handbook have much more nuanced information that are not included in our descriptions. For our purposes we focus on providing the important information that you need at the time of the emergency.

This handbook can be downloaded to your personal device to use when other options are not available. We also aim to have all of key emergency preparedness sections be printable for any locations that might commonly deal with these issues. Every piece of advice is about the size of an index card. Spreading the word of our cause will help humanity ensure preparedness in any situation.