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After declaring the overloaded operator () functions, I write the program’s
main() function.
//function prototypes
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Card& aCard);
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const GenericPlayer& aGenericPlayer);
int main()
Introducing the Blackjack Game 377
cout << "\t\tWelcome to Blackjack!\n\n"; int numPlayers = 0;
while (numPlayers < 1 || numPlayers > 7)
cout << "How many players? (1 - 7): "; cin >> numPlayers;
vector<string> names; string name;
for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; ++i)
cout << "Enter player name: "; cin >> name; names.push_back(name);
cout << endl;
//the game loop Game aGame(names); char again = ’y’;
while (again != ’n’ && again != ’N’)
cout << "\nDo you want to play again? (Y/N): "; cin >> again;
return 0;
The main() function gets the names of all the players and puts them into a vector of string objects, and then instantiates a Game object, passing a reference to the vector. The main() function keeps calling the Game object’s Play() member function until the players indicate that they don’t want to play anymore.