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The main() function calls all of the other functions. It calls the function askText() to get a name, plural noun, body part, and verb from the user. It calls askNumber() to get a number from the user. It calls tellStory() with all of the user-supplied information to generate and display the story.
int main()
cout << "Welcome to Mad Lib.\n\n";
cout << "Answer the following questions to help create a new story.\n";
string name = askText("Please enter a name: ");
string noun = askText("Please enter a plural noun: "); int number = askNumber("Please enter a number: "); string bodyPart = askText("Please enter a body part: "); string verb = askText("Please enter a verb: ");
182 Chapter 5 n Functions: Mad Lib
tellStory(name, noun, number, bodyPart, verb);
return 0;